As some of you may already know, both myself and Des are huge fans of Gigan, and have each developed our own stories involving him set within specific realities. My current universe incorporates Trajan and started with a fanfic named Godzilla vs. Trajan. Des also has her own universe for the Gigan species as well entitled Homeworld. It took place on Gigan's home planet and followed the lives of the species before their capture by the Nebulans.

But when Des and I decided to do an RPG pitting Trajan against her own Gigan type, Gaiganny, I didn't think it would go much further than a simple battle. But it did, and from there we started expanding on a slew of ideas neither one of us could do in the stories and realities we already established with our earlier works. Below is a quick discussion about the way things eventually led to the creation of this Gigan Species Site.



I've always loved Gigan as a monster, but it wasn't until I was in my sophomore year of college that I actually started thinking about doing a story that involved him.

SpaceGhid told me about this story and at first I didn't think much about it. Then for some reason it started eating at my brain...

I told Des I was toying around with the notion of Gigan having a sibling, someone who would seek vengeance on Godzilla for killing his brother (yes, I had decided to kill Gigan!)

I didn't like it at first, but then I started to LOVE it! I like it when my characters suffer...

I was happy to find that Des was a s big a Gigan fan as I was. Not only that, but we both enjoy tormenting our characters. Heh, only good things could come of it...

I asked him what this new creature's name was...

For awhile I was stumped for a name, thought about calling him blade or something along those lines...

I'm TERRRIBLE with names.

But then I was in my Art History class and we were discussing the column of Trajan. As my teacher blathered on about its durability and how it symbolized power, I decided that was it, the creature's name

HAD to be !

It fit him too perfectly...

I LOVED it right away. I will also Never forget when he sent me the first picture of him. I just sat there and stared..

I instantly felt there was something very special about Trajan. I loved this character.

Trajan was actually the... fifth character I've ever hand colored with prismacolors, I was amazed he came out as good as he did (I've had some FRIGHTENING experiences with colored pencils...)

I couldn't make out some of the colors hehhe.

I altered the story I was writing a bit, by the time I really started to get into it, the focus was no longer on Godzilla, but this creature Trajan's pain and suffering.

I kept talking about stuff happening to him. I really didn't want this to be ANOTHER Godzilla story. I wanted more Trajan!

Des, did I ever tell you my very first intent was to just kill Trajan off at the end of his battle with Godzilla?

No you didn't.

But I think I sensed it as I worried about him...

The more I wrote though, the less important I felt Godzilla was. Besides, how many 2-d Godzilla stories are out there? It's all been done before... I didn't want to do that.

Hence why I kept asking he will be free right?

Yeah, in truth I wasn't sure how to answer that, I didn't know at first whether or not I wanted Trajan to live or die.

I love Godzilla, but I'm NOT afraid to admit I really love him for his enemies. I just love the villains. And I ain't sorry about it!

I sensed it big time and kept pushing for Trajan's freedom and victory. I wanted him to win even though he lost it all.

I tend to kill off all my characters at the end of my stories (to me, if you do that you're less afraid to torture them...)

But if he lives you can torture MORE!!!!

Extra characters are there to be offed, that's where we satiate our need to kill.

When I was about a quarter of the way through writing the story, Des told me about a character she created for Gigan...

Well not really created yet...

That's right, she was more in the conceptual stages at that point, right?

Yes conceptual.

I was also focusing on Gigan's suffering and wanted to make it worse by having him remember "his mate." She didn't have a name back then we didn't think we'd need to address her, it was just to be a painful memory for him. And to make it worse he didn't even know she was dead. So I had this character with no name, no form, and her destiny was to DIE.

I made her for dying.

Des even went so far as to write me a paragraph that went into Gigan's last thoughts before he's killed by Godzilla.

Oh gosh, then we both lost that part and had to rewrite it! Eep!

I liked it, a LOT, and wanted to put it in the story. Of course, super organized person I am, I lost the email she sent me, so I had to improvise. But it worked its way into the story nicely...

SGhid wouldn't give any info at first...

I tend to be pretty secretive when I work on stuff, I don't like to give out too many details.

So I would sit EVERY Day and think about the story. We think so much alike I thought I may figure some of it out.

But I Wanted to get to know Trajan!!! I started Getting in his head and thinking like Trajan.

I must say I was pretty impressed when Des was actually making correct guesses about the events in the story!

It threw me as well I would say stuff like I bet Trajan could do blah blah blah and SGhid would just be silent. I couldn't believe it either.

So in a way I feel I helped out this way.

Hehe, I started having a lot of fun with the story, I remember at some point Des started getting worried when I kept adding monsters... I think Megalon did it, didn't he Des?

Bug BOY!!!

But they all had their purpose, I don't like having characters in my stories unless they serve a specific function.

Yeah when he mentioned Meg I started to worry. But yes it worked well and added some comedy to a dark story. But it was dark comedy, my fave!!!!

At that point I was pretty close to the end, about ten handwritten pages front and back... I cram about two lines of text per measured line, so for me that was pretty exhausting...

Meanwhile from learning to think like Trajan my mind was racing ahead to literally other worlds and possible out comes. Heh heh me and my figuring...

I finally drew Gigan's mate and my boy friend Chris named her Gaiganny. So her name was mentioned in the story, and I thought not much else would be of it. I sent SGhid a pic of her. For some reason I stared liking her too much and doing stuff with her about what happened before she died.

At some point, I forget exactly when, I started experimenting with other types of Gigan designs...

Des started telling me about this idea she had that involved the Gigan species before the whole series with Godzilla started...

I'm a biology major and love science. I started basing the whole Gigan species on birds, thinking of all aspects I could. Behavior, environment genetics, you know all that.

And at the same time I had come up with about four or five new Gigan-type designs.. None that I cared for though, I considered them tests, prototypes mostly...

I focused mostly on Trajan's and Gigan's chick hood, but felt limited because of Gaiganny's death and the capture of the brothers started SGhid's G vs T story.

I called it Homeworld since that's where it was going to take place. The Gigan Homeworld

Des also told me she had created an offspring for Gigan...

Ah yes, Gaiga...

By the time I neared the end of the story I was already thinking 'sequel,' and with Des' creating Gaiga I knew exactly which direction I wanted to go in.

Again I was amazed at how we had come up with the same stuff. Remember that phone conversation?

I think so, I'm not as good with details as you are...

Trajan finding Gigan being attacked and Gaiganny's death and Gaiga witnessing the slaughter...

Ah! Yes, I DO remember that!

It was TOO freaky!!!


I wanted to somehow include that in the story, but it was long and complex enough as it was...

Then I thought about a teaser... Originally, the Intro to Trajan vs. the Eliminators was intended to be the final chapter in Godzilla vs. Trajan.

All this time we thought of alternate endings. I can't decide sometimes how to end stories because I have too many options!!

I had a couple of endings in mind, one was to actually kill Godzilla. Hehe, wouldn't THAT have had people screaming bloody murder?

Heh heh I like screaming!!

OFF with his head! Uh, anyway...

Hehe, some people were pissed enough that the fight ended in a draw...

Ah well tough Trajan is cooler!!! Yeah I said it! You don't like it don't come here!

We had the Trajan series and I was really limited with Homeworld. I wanted to do other things that were just impossible in either of these.

Yeah, things are pretty rigidly set in the world I created for Trajan and the Homeworld continuity Des had for Gigan and Gaiganny...

And then one day Des says to me, Let's have Gaiganny and Trajan fight.

I was really itching to do something and we talk on the phone and chat. I like to role play and asked SGhid if he would like to fight me. I said, "I'd like to fight you sometime." I knew he'd be fair about it.

I hadn't rpg'd for almost a year, and never had I done it using Godzilla characters... I figured what the hey, it sounded like fun.

I thought it would be a one time thing, as I knew my fate. Poor Gaiganny, no matter what reality I set her in she always died. I was ready for that and a good fight. I'm new to computers, all this was new to me, but I pretended a lot as a kid.

I figured, just a one shot deal, right?

Yeah that's what I thought. I knew you would kill me. What chance did I have with a planet buster?

Hehe, none! But I knew it would still be a good fight...

Exactly. Yes I knew it too.

As it turned out, it became a lot better than either of us imagined...

Because of that one game we played, it started this whole site. The Gigan species' alternate Homeworld

Alternate because we can do impossible things here and alternate to my Homeworld ideas

The first fight ended in such a way that we knew it had to be continued, it couldn't be left the way it was...

Here in this rpg world we could do things neither of us can do in our own set realities.

I loved Gaiganny, I loved Trajan and it bothered me that in both our worlds they never interacted and here they could.

In my stories, Trajan's only seen Gaiganny from afar. In this world though, the two of them are the main focus of the story.

They are the main characters

And in addition to that, we can pull in characters from our separate realities and have them act any way we want.

And this is how we write our stories still, in the chat room.

Yeah that's fun, break all the rules we set in the others.

Yup, everything is rpg'd, then rewritten in a story format. Unfortunately, the chat room in which we did the first chat wouldn't allow either of us to save the conversation...

Our biggest regret!!! OH how I WISH we still had it!

Hehe, Des, you have a better memory than I do, so that one's all yours.

Thanks, I remember it clearly too.

I hunted the web and finally made a private room just for us and our stories and we meet there to come up with new ideas. Its important to get the whole game saved. Never know when something special will happen...

Once we both realized how completely unbound we were by this new reality, we kind of went nuts. At least, I know I did... I spent a whole lot of time creating new Gigan types JUST for this universe.

We've both come up with some pretty interesting characters.

Nuts is my middle name. I'd say we're obsessed, but we all need a hobby and this is it for us.

I LOVE my characters...Uh well most of them heh heh

And I think the best part is that our characters are a lot deeper than they would normally be in our other stories locked in the separate realities...


It's also helped that we both LOVE to draw, and drawing the characters in situations has helped all this come about.

Yeah, since we both love drawing as well it's easier to communicate ideas.

I've already got the my plans for Trajan in my universe pretty well set, but with this alternate Homeworld we've created, the stories come at random, the characters come at random, and the situations can take an unexpected turn at any moment depending on what we're feeling at the time.

I love the unpredictability. Not even WE know what will happen to them next BWAA HAA HA

And heck, what's a character without a picture?

Yeah! And that is how all this got started!!!!

What a blast, we love this!



Intro | What's a Gigan? | The Stories | The Characters
Artwork | The Authors | Updates | The Falling | The Ending
